Sunday, January 25, 2009

You're all I want, You're all I've ever needed.

"Help me know that You are near."


I love each day with Christopher more and more. I love being

shocked each time my love for him grows more, and so much
more than I started with. I love the way it progresses, and the
way that he feels it grow too. I just said the lamest thing ever
to him (via aim, no doubt):

mylipsdonttouch (12:13:59 AM): You're so handsome--everything about you is everything I could ever want in a man. I don't care about money, I'm happy with you. I'm SO happy with you. You are my sweetest prayer, answered. An eternal gift to me, for choosing the right.
Cudlee Man (12:14:27 AM): thank you
mylipsdonttouch (12:15:09 AM): I mean it. There is only you for me.
Cudlee Man (12:15:56 AM): I know
Cudlee Man (12:16:01 AM): I feel the same way about you
mylipsdonttouch (12:17:46 AM): Gosh, I am so in love with you.
mylipsdonttouch (12:17:56 AM): I hope everybody gets to feel like this.
mylipsdonttouch (12:18:01 AM): I wish they could.

I wasn't trying to be cocky when I said "An eternal gift to me, for
choosing the right," but we did meet at my baptism and start going
out two weeks later. I feel that way. Being with him is a reward. How

do I deserve him? - throws up - I'm much too sappy.

I love Sundays--the Testimonies of others, and the strengthening of our

own. The Fellowship. The reverence of my peers as the Sacrament is being
passed. We might be rowdy sometimes, outside of Church (sometimes
inside), but something beautiful happens when the Sacrament is passed.
This might sound weird, but I'm always reminded of a lullaby. It doesn't
put me to sleep, but it relaxes me, and I feel the Spirit strongly tugging
on my heart. I remember you, I know you, my Jesus. Rather, instead of

making me drowzy, it awakes the spirit within me, making it dance.
How may I be more like Thee, Lord? I want to. I wish I was stronger. I
mess up too much, and I haven't been a good example to my peers. My
wish is to show them my heart. I want to show all my love for them.
I want to be a teacher to Chris, as I want him to be for me.
It shouldn't be one-sided; we can be examples to eachother.
If you serve Heavenly Father & share the Gospel, you are a Missionary.
We are here to spread a message of Love, and give hope to the weary.
I want to be better.
I really do.
My heart longs to be more like my perfect, beautiful Savior's, but quickly
gives into the flesh. Daddy, please show me the way.

I know that God is my Heavenly Father, and that He loves me so much.
I am His little girl, and when I hurt, His heart breaks for me. He longs for
the day when I can be with Him again. I know this.


  1. You're perfect.
    I love you.
    I wonder why I deserve you.
    That never ceases to confuse me.
    I haven't done anything to warrant a love like we have.
    Well, not that I can recall.
    I've forgotten things; we've all forgotten thing.

    Maybe, just maybe, we said we'd find each other before we came to this earth.

    Anything is possible.

  2. I believe that.
    I know you too well.
    Two people could not be better suited for eachother. I mean, we've met before this time now, when we were children.
    I believe that could have happened.
