Thursday, April 22, 2010

Here's today's word of the day: Hormones. I hate them. Christopher and I have been fighting like cats and dogs as of late. Well, to me we have. To him we're probably just having a normal conversation. Today, I cried for an hour and a half because Chris said I was distracting him from sleeping. Really. I ran to the other room, and cried like a child. Okay, Chris and I haven't REALLY been fighting. I just think too much. Women really light fighting, anyways. Every single relationship I was in during high school was awful--mostly because I LOVED picking fights. One of the guys even stuck around for over a year, and asked me to marry him. I don't really know why.

I went to the OBG/YN's office today. Again. I have to go every week for pelvic exams because I'm in my last four weeks. They hurt. They hurt really bad, actually. When you're pregnant, all of your lady junk gets really swollen, and they think it's really cool & totally okay to probe around down there with bits of metal. There HAS to be a better way to check my cervix, Doctor. I'm actually not okay with anything down there, at all. Even Madeline. She's going to have to find another way to come out. When I say "another way" I mean she's going to have to use magic, because I'm actually scared out of my right mind about child-birth. Maybe I should have thought about that before making a baby.

Baby Bundt is coming out in 29 days! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sometimes I doubt that I'm actually pregnant, that I'll actually be a mother. Even still, when my entire body is evidence to that fact. I watch Madeline roll around beneath my skin and wonder how I deserve to be blessed like this. I was called by my Father in Heaven to be a mother. He thinks more of me than I could ever stand to think of myself.

Less than forty days, and I'll be able to cradle her in my arms. My uterus is getting tired, anyways.